July 15, 2018

The beauty of Yilan - Mountains and Sea

Travel Date: 2018/07/14

The old Jianqing Railway Trail was a fantastic place to visit. Now, it's time to explore another mountain and search for the Xinliao Waterfall.

Xinliao Waterfall (新寮瀑布)

The trail to the waterfall is approximately 1.5 km long, and the path is relatively easy to traverse. The entrance is free but limited to 350 people per day. All you need to do is register on your way in.
There weren't many people here, probably because we arrived late. You can admire the waterfall from the viewing platform, walk along the trail, or descend the stones to reach the pond and enjoy the water. The water is deep enough for swimming, although climbing up and down can be challenging. The wet stones are particularly slippery, so caution is necessary. Additionally, the water was quite cold.
My husband had the difficult task of carrying our baby. It would have been a nice moment for just the two of us, but it can be challenging to find someone willing to stay with a baby. 

xinliao waterfall, yilan, taiwan

xinliao waterfall, yilan, taiwan

xinliao waterfall, yilan, taiwan

Waiao Beach is a beautiful and pristine location, adorned with palm trees. From there, you can enjoy a view of Guishan Island. This was the last place we visited in Yilan before embarking on our 3-4 hour drive back home.
It's a perfect spot for surfing or swimming. Nearby, you can rent surfboards and enjoy the thrill of riding big waves. Additionally, you may witness people parasailing from the mountains and landing on the beach.
You can also take a stroll to the Waiao Visitor Center. There, you can savor a cup of coffee and experience a unique pedicure. You can immerse your feet in a water tank filled with small fish that nibble away the dead skin. However, please note that you need to pay if you want to use water to rinse off the sand.

waiao beach, yilan, taiwan

waiao beach, yilan, taiwan

waiao beach, yilan, taiwan

waiao beach, yilan, taiwan

Yesterday, we also visited a place with a nice view. From the mountains, you can watch the sea and the fishing harbor. Nanfangao is one of the largest fishing towns in Taiwan. Along the way, there are several places where you can stop and capture beautiful pictures. There is also a walkway leading to the beach, but unfortunately, it was too late by the time we arrived there.

nanfangao lookout, yilan, taiwan

nanfangao lookout, yilan, taiwan

nanfangao lookout, yilan, taiwan


Xinliao Waterfall: 269宜蘭縣冬山鄉新寮二路新寮瀑布
Waiao Beach: 261宜蘭縣頭城鎮濱海路二段6號外澳沙灘

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