January 30, 2021

Chiayi plum blooming - Meishan Park

Meishan Park (梅山公園)We returned to Meishan, Chiayi to see the plum blossoms, and the park was crowded with people. The car parks were full, and many people had to park along the road even quite far away. Seeing such a large crowd on a Tuesday, I can't imagine how crowded it would be on the weekend. Unfortunately,...

January 26, 2021

Countryside views in Taiwan: Bald cypress in Tainan

Lately, it's starting to feel more like Polish autumn outside. Some trees are turning yellow, orange, and even red. While living in Hsinchu, it was quite normal to see plenty of cypress, maples, plums, and cherry blossoms during this season. However, it's rare to see that living in the south of Taiwan....

January 18, 2021

Tainan Travel: Maples of Hongye Park

Living in the South, it's difficult to see red maples or cherry blossoms like we used to see in Hsinchu. Sometimes I miss the views we had in the north, but definitely not the weather. Currently, the temperature in Tainan is over 20 degrees, and it feels great (except at night). We haven't had much...