February 26, 2024

Bombing Dragon Festival: A Unique Hakka Lantern Festival in Miaoli

The Lantern Festival, celebrated on the 15th day of the Lunar New Year, brings an array of diverse festivities across Taiwan. In Miaoli, the Dragon Bombing Festival (火旁龍) is a highlight, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the Hakka people. 
An annual ritual unique to the Hakka people in Miaoli, this festival traces its origins to the Qing Dynasty. The Dragon Bombing Festival is a fusion of the Chinese dragon dance and local customs, symbolizing the expulsion of evil spirits and the ushering in of prosperity for the New Year. It gained popularity in 1940s.

Traditionally, Hakka families would form "Dragon Teams" during slack periods before the Lunar New Year, crafting dragons from bamboo and paper. As the Lantern Festival approached, these dragons would come to life in vibrant dances, accompanied by the thunderous sounds of firecrackers.
The festival's significance extends beyond mere celebration, it embodies the resilience and unity of Hakka communities. In Miaoli, the event takes on a particularly special meaning, reflecting the Hakka people's enduring spirit amidst adversity.

The seven stages of the Dragon Bombing event unfold with each step imbued with symbolism and reverence:
1. Dragon-making: The dragon is crafted by the dragon master using bamboo and paper, completed before the ninth day of the first lunar month, which coincides with the legendary Jade Emperor's birthday.
2. Walking with the dragon: The "Hakka Dragon Altar" is set up, and the ceremony of settling the dragon spirit takes place.
3. Dragon eye-dotting: People pray to the God of Heaven to infuse spirit into the dragon body, and the dragon dances through the village, providing protection and blessings to the people.
4. Welcoming the dragon: The Hakka people believe that a visit from the Divine Dragon or "Shenlong (神龍)" signifies a visit from the gods, which can protect against local disasters and bring good luck to households in the New Year.
5. Following the dragon: Following the dragon during its dance procession is believed to bring peace and good fortune.
6. Dragon bombing: As the dragon becomes more prosperous, people set off firecrackers to welcome the dragon, drive away evil spirits, and enhance the festive atmosphere.
7. Sending the dragon back to the sky: At the end of the Lantern Festival, to express gratitude to the gods for sending their spirits embodied in the dragon to bless the people, the Hakka people set the dragon ablaze, symbolizing the completion of its mission, and then send the divine dragon back to heaven.

Another unique festival in Miaoli is the Bombing of Master Handan in Zhunan, which differs from the one organized in Taitung. Check out more in my other post [LINK]

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