June 3, 2018

Miaoli Travel: Chateau in the air

Chateau In The Air (天空之城景觀餐廳)

Chateau in the Air is a castle-like restaurant located in the hills of Miaoli. The entrance fee is 200 NTD. There are two restaurants at the location, but the one that caught my attention was the more interesting one. It offers the opportunity to enjoy your meal in a natural setting while also having a view of a beautiful lake reservoir nearby.

Both restaurants are situated on different levels, and if you climb higher, you can also see a small church. This place attracts many tourists. Unfortunately, we parked our car in a higher place, so we had to walk down quite a bit to reach the restaurant.

The water in the reservoir looks stunning, and I'm looking forward to getting a closer look at this place.
Li-yu Tan Reservoir is a very peaceful location. Parking is free, and you can take a walk in the park near the lake or simply enjoy the view from a higher vantage point. There weren't many people around, and there was only one stall where you could buy drinks. The dam was constructed in 1985 but was opened to the public at the end of 1992.

chateau in the air, miaoli, taiwan

chateau in the air, miaoli, taiwan

chateau in the air, miaoli, taiwan  

chateau in the air, miaoli, taiwan

chateau in the air, miaoli, taiwan

chateau in the air, miaoli, taiwan

chateau in the air, miaoli, taiwan



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