August 1, 2021

Flooding in Taiwan

Lately, many countries have been experiencing problems with flooding, both in Asia and Europe. There have been numerous rainy days recently, but this weekend the situation became particularly serious. The heaviest rainfall occurred in Southern Taiwan, but flooding caused issues throughout the entire country.

Personally, I wanted to stay home for the weekend, especially because the rain had been disrupting my sleep. However, my husband insisted on visiting his parents, so we ended up going to Yunlin. In the morning, we noticed reports of certain roads being flooded, so we decided to take the highway instead. The area where we live in town was mostly unaffected, with only a few places experiencing water on the roads, although the amount was minimal. The situation was worse at the other end of town, where some houses were flooded and roads were blocked.

As we passed through northern Tainan and Chiayi, we witnessed numerous fields and even some roads being flooded. The rivers appeared quite shallow. The situation in Yunlin was not any better. During a brief respite in the rain, we took a drive along some countryside roads and observed that most fields were flooded, with some roads still overflowing with water.

My friend in Shanhua also shared pictures of the flooding near her home. The road was completely covered with water before noon. However, when we drove back through the same road in the evening, almost all of the water had receded.

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