September 3, 2017

Tainan Travel: Guanziling's Fire and Water Sprin A Natural Wonder of Contrasting Elements

fire and water spring, guanziling, beihe, tainan ,taiwan

Fire and Water Spring (水火同源) 

And once again, we find ourselves exploring the mountains, this time in Tainan to visit the Fire and Water Spring (水火同源) in the Guanziling Scenic Area. Guanziling is nestled amidst hills and mountain ranges and is known for its unique hot springs, specifically the mud hot springs, which are the only ones of their kind in Taiwan. These springs have a temperature of 75 degrees Celsius and are believed to be effective in treating various ailments such as skin allergies, exhaustion, gastrointestinal problems, rheumatism, and arthritis.

The Fire and Water Spring gets its name from the natural gas that rises from the water, creating flames. This phenomenon is caused by underground gas ascending through rocks as the Liuchong River passes through the area. The discovery of the fire dates back to 1701 when a Fujianese monk from Daxian Temple first noticed it. The fire has been maintained ever since, although it became weaker after the Baihe earthquake in 1964, spreading out from several pores. During the Japanese era, villagers erected a statue of the deity Shuihuo for worship.

Legends surround the origins of the Fire and Water Spring. One tale speaks of a creature named Kirin that lived in the area, with the fire and water cave representing its head and its tail extending to the Hongye Tunnel. According to this legend, the hot spring water was Kirin's urine, and it delighted in entertaining people by creating fire. Another legend tells of a conflict between two dragons, a fire dragon and a water dragon, resulting in their defeat. The fire dragon transformed into fire, and the water dragon became water, giving rise to this unique landscape.

See also newer post: Fire and Water Spring

Daxian Temple (白河大仙寺)

On our way, we also made a stop at Daxian Temple (白河大仙寺). The temple features two spiritual pagodas for ancestral worship and a park. With over 300 years of history, Daxian Temple is considered one of the 100 Religious Scenes of Taiwan. It showcases an iconic blend of Sino-Japanese architecture that has inspired a new style of Buddhist temples.
There are two versions regarding the origin of Daxian Temple. According to the first account, the temple was established in 1701 by a Zen master from Fujian who worshipped Guanyin Bodhisattva. When he arrived in Baihe, he temporarily placed the statue of the Bodhisattva on a stone. Upon his return, he found that the Bodhisattva seemed to be stuck to the stone and couldn't be moved. Interpreting it as a sign that the Bodhisattva intended to draw people to the location, the Zen master decided to establish Daxian Temple.

The second account suggests that the temple was constructed in 1719. Legend has it that during the Ming Dynasty in 1666, a Zen master was invited by Chen Yonghua to Taiwan to share teachings on Dharma. The Zen master resided in the Chishan Longhuyan Temple and later settled in Guanziling in 1701. In 1719, a Guanyin Bodhisattva statue was brought from Longhuyan Temple. Due to the immense respect for the Zen master, the temple was built at its current site.
During the Japanese occupation in 1895, the temple was used as a military base and later fell into disrepair. Reconstruction efforts began in 1915 after funds were raised. Unfortunately, in 1930, an earthquake caused the temple to collapse. However, it was quickly rebuilt through further fundraising. In 1931, Biyun Temple, a part of Daxian Temple, gained independence. TDaxian Tempe also raised funds to build Guanyin Temple in 1948-1950, although during an earthquake in 1964, the temple together with Daxian Hall was destroyed. The reconstruction was completed in 1985.
daxian temple, baihe, tainan, taiwan

daxian temple, baihe, tainan, taiwan

daxian temple, baihe, tainan, taiwan

daxian temple, baihe, tainan, taiwan


1. Fire and Water Spring: 732台南市白河區水火同源
2. Daxian Temple: 732台南市白河區1號大仙寺

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