October 26, 2021

Life Update and Shopping in Douliou

It has been busy lately. We haven't been going out much, except for visiting my parents-in-law. We were preparing a presentation about Poland for an upcoming event that we will be attending. Since I don't know Chinese and my husband is working, we didn't have much time to work on it together.

This month has been really busy, to the point where I had to decline meeting my friend. It's sad because I don't get to meet many people, especially since there aren't many foreigners where we live. Recently, I joined an FB group called Taiwanese Spouses 台灣外籍媳婦, which brings together women from different countries who are married to Taiwanese and live in Taiwan. I've already noticed that there is nobody living in my area. No surprise, as it's just an expensive countryside near the science park. I also want to move to the city, but I haven't had any luck finding a house yet. Our rental agreement is only until May next year, so we need to hurry up a bit.

Originally, my husband was supposed to change jobs this November, but they changed his start date to January next year. He's not the only person in the company facing difficulties and long wait times when it comes to changing positions.

Today, we went to Douliou to buy some clothes. I was looking for a dress for an upcoming event, but we couldn't find anything nice, especially in pink color. One shop owner told us that Taiwanese people don't really wear pink, except for weddings, so it would be difficult to find. After checking a few shops, I mostly saw white, brown, and beige clothes. That's a big difference between the cheaper shops (some as cheap as 100NT for a shirt) and the more expensive ones (1000-2000NT and up). The cheaper shops have more colorful options, and I found plenty of pink clothes there, but as the prices went up, the selection became more plain. I know those clothes were elegant, but I would feel old and too professional-looking in them. I don't want to end up looking like my aunt, especially at a university event.

We also went to a traditional market to eat. Since it was already afternoon, only a few shops were open.

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