May 30, 2023

A trip to South - Tainan, Chiayi, Yunlin

Travel date: 20/05/2023Due to my husband getting his teeth straightened, we have to drive back to Tainan every 2-3 months. After visiting the dentist, we usually have a few hours to spare. However, it's challenging to find parking in the city on weekends, so even if we plan to go somewhere or eat, we...

May 20, 2023

Fireflies viewing in Miaoli

Travel Date: 2023/05/02It's currently firefly season in Taiwan, and Miaoli and Hsinchu are fortunate to have plenty of places where you can see them. All you have to do is drive to the mountains and find a location near water. We drove to Lion's Head Mountain and parked near the Shuilian Bridge Trail....

May 17, 2023

Enchanting Beauty of Miaoli's Tung Blossom

Travel Date: 2023/05/01We drove to Sanwan in Miaoli to see the tung trees in bloom. Along the way, we passed by Yongheshan Water Reservoir, and we noticed that the water level was lower than it was a few months ago. The place we visited was not well-known, so there weren't many people there. However,...

May 13, 2023

Poland Travel 2023: Goodbye Poland! Time to fly back to Taiwan

Travel Date: 2023/03/24 ~ 04/12We flew back to Taiwan on April 12, so we were in Poland for a little less than 3 weeks. It was a trip filled with both happiness and sadness. Unfortunately, a few days before Easter, my aunt passed away. We decided to fly back when I found out that her health was deteriorating...

May 6, 2023

Poland Travel 2023: Keeping racing pigeons in Poland

Travel Date: 2023/03/24 ~ 04/12My uncle has always had a great love for pigeons. As far back as I can remember, he had plenty of them. Initially, they lived in the city, and a pigeon house was built above my parents' home. I would always follow my uncle around, and sometimes my cousins would join us...

May 2, 2023

Poland Travel 2023: Making smoky meat in Poland

Travel Date: 2023/03/24 ~ 04/12Smoky meat is highly popular in Poland, and it's a tradition carried on by my father, uncle, and other distant family members who have their own smokers in their yards. My father and uncle use handmade smokers, while others use store-bought ones. The handmade smoker is...