The holiday season possesses a magical ability to transform cities and towns into enchanting wonderlands adorned with festive decorations and the warm glow of Christmas lights. Recently, we visited two charming cities in Taiwan - Hsinchu and Miaoli. In comparison to Taichung, Tainan, and, of course, Taipei, there were nearly no decorations here. But something is better than nothing, right?
Our first stop was Zhubei, a district within Hsinchu, where we stumbled upon a small Christmas Market selling local crafts and handmade goods. We waited a while for the Christmas tree to light up. Sadly, except for that one tree, there were no other decorations around. Later on, we drove to the Big City shopping mall. There are always Christmas trees and some decorations in front of the entrance, although each year they are fairly similar. The same goes for the SOGO shopping mall. Unlike five years ago, this year there were no decorations around the east gate and the river nearby.
Hsinchu County Hall, Zhubei
Hsinchu County Hall, Zhubei
Hsinchu County Hall, Zhubei
Another time, we drove to Miaoli City. The only decorations (that I know of) can be found at the Library and City Hall. I think those at City Hall were quite nice and more than in other places in Hsinchu and Miaoli we've visited previously. It was cold that day, as a cold front had just come. From 27 degrees Celsius, it dropped to 12, and it will be less than 10 by the end of the week. Also, the strong wind is pretty cold. Not a big deal, right? Taiwan doesn't have heating at home, as there aren't many cold days. So once it gets to 10 degrees outside, at home, the temperature quickly drops too. We also went to the night market and tried a few different foods there.
For more on our experiences, feel free to check out my YouTube video. Welcome to check it out!
Hi! I'm Żaneta, a Polish girl living in Taiwan :) I love cooking and baking. I have both a travel blog and a cooking blog, as well as a YouTube channel. You're welcome to find me on my social media - feel free to ask questions or just chat! ~
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