June 14, 2020

Kaohsiung Travel: The History of Meinong

Meinong District is situated in the northeast of the geographical center of Kaohsiung City. Due to a significant number of Hakka people who settled in the Liudui area during the Qing dynasty, Meinong has retained a rich Hakka culture and is renowned as one of the most prominent Hakka cultural areas in southern Taiwan. The majority of the population still identifies as Hakka, accounting for approximately 93.5% of the residents.
The terrain of Meinong primarily consists of mountainous plains, and the region boasts a plentiful hydrological system, with the Meinong River and its tributaries flowing throughout the area.

Around 1698, immigrants from Zhenping County, Jiaying Prefecture, Guangdong, migrated from their hometowns to southern Taiwan. They first settled upstream from the Linluo River and then commenced reclamation in the area between the lower reaches of the Ailao River and Wuluo. However, due to frequent flooding in Wuluo, the settlers considered relocating once again. During this time, Wu Luo Youdui commanded the Lin Guishan and Lin Fengshan brothers to assist the government in suppressing the Wu Fusheng incident and requested permission from the Fengshan county magistrate to develop the Meinong area.
In 1736, the authorities finally approved the reclamation of Meinong, with 16 surnames and 24 households participating in the endeavor. While cultivating the land and constructing water conveyance systems, the settlers had to remain vigilant against potential attacks from the indigenous people residing in the surrounding areas.

Meinong Town, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Meinong Town, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Meinong Town, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Meinong Town, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Meinong Town, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Meinong Town, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Meinong Town, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Meinong Town, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Meinong East Gate Tower (瀰濃東門樓)

Meinong East Gate Tower is the eastern gate of Minonzhuang during the Qing Dynasty, facing Mino Creek. In 1755, a gate tower was added to the East Gate for defense purposes. In 1895, during the Japanese army's attack on the city, the East Gate Tower was destroyed. It was subsequently rebuilt during the Pacific War. In 1950, after the war ended, local residents reconstructed the gate. In 2000, the Kaohsiung County Government designated the Meinong East Gate Tower as a county monument. In 2014, due to long-term natural weathering, earthquakes, and structural aging, the building suffered cracks, potholes, concrete peeling, and steel bar exposure. The roof ridge, shear sticking, painting, and other decorations also experienced damage from fading and peeling. To preserve this historic site, the city government decided to undertake repairs, which were completed at the end of 2014. During the project, it was discovered that the original color of the roof tiles was ochre, which had turned black due to long-term weathering. After local public consultation, the Cultural Bureau decided to restore the roof tiles to their original ochre red color.

See also: Fengshan Town

Meinong East Gate Tower 瀰濃東門樓, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Meinong Police Station (舊美濃警察分駐所)

Meinong Police Station was established in 1933 and is the only official building from the Japanese occupation period in the district. The overall space includes the main building, gun fort, dormitory, gate post, and an old tree. The Meinong branch office features a brick-wood mixed structure in the Japanese architectural style. The facade remains in good condition, reflecting the meticulous selection of materials and the seriousness of the time. Behind the branch office is an old dormitory with a history of nearly 100 years. The branch office served as the political and economic center of Meinong Village during the Japanese occupation period, and local residents hope to include the old police station in preservation efforts.

Meinong Police Station 舊美濃警察分駐所, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Meinong Police Station 舊美濃警察分駐所, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Meinong Police Station 舊美濃警察分駐所, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Meinong Police Station 舊美濃警察分駐所, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Meinong Police Station 舊美濃警察分駐所, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Meinong Police Station 舊美濃警察分駐所, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Meinong Lake (美濃湖)

Meinong Lake currently covers an area of over 26 Jia and is the second-largest artificial lake in Kaohsiung City after Clarifying Lake. It originally began as a small ditch field. Recently, the city government has undertaken a landscape reconstruction project for Zhongzheng Lake, which includes the construction of lake walks, lake viewing platforms, and green beautification projects.
During our visit, there was a fire in the nearby mountains, and we were able to observe helicopters collecting water from the lake.

Meinong Lake, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Meinong Lake, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Meinong Lake, Kaohsiung, Taiwan


1. Yongan Old Street: 843高雄市美濃區永安路237號永安老街
2. Lin Chunyu Gatehouse: 843高雄市美濃區永安路175號林春雨門樓
3. Meinong East Gate: 843高雄市美濃區民族路16巷9號美濃東門樓
4. Meinong Police Station: 843高雄市美濃區永安路212號舊美濃警察分駐所
5. Meinong Lake: 843高雄市美濃區美濃湖

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