February 26, 2021

Travel in Taichung: Tai'an Train Station & Metasequoia Forest

Travel Date: 2021/02/20

The main attraction in Tai'an is the Police Station, which is known for its abundance of cherry blossoms. However, there are also a few other places to visit, such as the Old Train Station and the Metasequoia Forest.

Tai'an Mountain Trail (泰安登山步道)

The Tai'an Mountain Trail is a hiking trail that offers beautiful scenery and views of the surrounding mountains. It's a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers. 

Tai'an Old Station (舊泰安車站)

The Tai'an Old Station was in operation from December 1, 1910, to September 24, 1998. After the old mountain line was suspended on September 24, 1998, due to the switch to the new line, the station ceased to be in use. The old Tai'an station and nearby railway facilities, including tunnels, were cleaned up and opened to the general public for visiting, and it was named Tai'an Railway Cultural Park. Since June 5, 2010, the old mountain line has resumed its sightseeing trains, and after a 12-year hiatus, trains have once again entered the station.

Earthquate Restoration Monument (震災復興紀念碑)

The Earthquake Restoration Monument stands as a memorial to commemorate the recovery and resilience of the region following a devastating earthquake. It serves as a reminder of the strength and perseverance of the community in rebuilding after such a significant natural disaster. 

Metasequoia Forest (如光山寺水杉林)

Not far from Tai'an, you can also visit the Metasequoia Forest, also known as the Dawn Redwood ForestThese tall, deciduous trees are similar to bald cypresses and are known for their unique beauty. Unfortunately, they have become bald as well, haha.


1. Railway Cultural Park: 421台中市后里區福興路52號泰安鐵道文化園區
2. Metasequoia Forest: 421台中市后里區圳頭路3之1號如光山寺水杉林

February 20, 2021

Taichung Travel: Taian Police Station Cherry Blossom

Travel Date: 2021/02/20

Yesterday, I was researching several places to visit within a 2-hour driving range, including Chiayi, Nantou, and Taichung. Ultimately, we decided to go to the easiest option. Today, we traveled to Taichung, specifically Tai'an Police Station in Houli. The drive took us around 2 hours, mostly on the highway and some countryside roads. Unfortunately, I felt that there were many bad drivers on the road today, which made me quite anxious. As a result, I spent most of the time watching my phone while my husband was driving.

Tai'an is very close to Miaoli, particularly the popular spot, Longteng Bridge. Around Houli, I noticed many places with cherry blossoms in full bloom. It was truly beautiful! Seeing blooming trees used to be quite common when we lived in the north, even just driving around Hsinchu. However, it has been almost 2 years since we moved to the south of Taiwan, so it was a rare sight for us. While I enjoy living in Tainan, today I felt a little nostalgic for the north.

Recently, we purchased an ASUS ZenGimbal, and we finally had a chance to try it out. We plan to make some simple YouTube videos in the future.

Nearby, there is a Bald Cypress field with an entrance fee of 50 NT. However, we didn't feel interested in going inside, as there are many free spots to visit in Yunlin and Tainan that we have already explored.
In Tai'an, there are also many street food options available. Lately, I have become a fan of taro products, and the taro coconut toast we had was really delicious. We also tried stinky tofu, which has a different flavor compared to the south. We don't use garlic sauce here. Additionally, Tainan food tends to be on the sweeter side, and once you develop a taste for it, nothing else tastes quite as good anymore (at least for me).

