February 15, 2021

Yunlin Travel: Secret Spot in Huwei

Travel Date: 2021/02/15

On the last day of the Lunar New Year holiday, we decided to return to Huwei, Yunlin. I was hoping to see some lanterns for the Lantern Festival, but it appears that the festival was very poor this year, with almost no lanterns on display. However, on our way, my husband noticed an advertisement for the "Secret Bald Pine Forest," so we decided to drive there. Surprisingly, there was no one checking for payment upon entering, but there was a box where visitors could voluntarily contribute 50NT. Usually, places like this are crowded, but we found that there were only a few people present.

There are very few Lantern Festival decorations in Huwei near Dacheng 6th Road, Huwei Town Activity Center. Additionally, there were only three plum trees blooming in the park. 


1. Bald Cypress:  632雲林縣虎尾鎮28號落羽松堀頭28秘境-富士春
2. Comunity Center: 632雲林縣虎尾鎮大成街123號虎尾鎮多功能活動中心

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