March 27, 2018

Changhua Travel: Great Buddha sculpture of Baguashan

The due day is coming up soon (in 2 weeks). My mother-in-law is becoming more and more annoying, trying to convince me to stay home only... But my husband and I enjoy going out anywhere. Well, staying under one roof is pretty tough...This time we came to Changhua to see the Baguashan Buddha. From Baguashan,...

March 20, 2018

Changhua & Yunlin Travel: ChenWen Academy and Wenwu Temple

ChenWen Academy (南天修文院懿德分院)Today we went to Xiluo to visit some family. Nearby their place is an old temple - Chen Wen Academy. I have seen this building a few times but never really cared to check more information about this place. The building has a really long history, but it's not a popular place...

March 8, 2018

Taiwanese street food: 酥 (su), 糕 (gao), 餅 (bing) (part II)

Cakes in Taiwan belong to three different categories: 酥 (su), 糕 (gao), and 餅 (bing).Su (酥) is a pastry made with shortening and tends to crumble.Gao (糕) starts with batter and is then steamed or baked.Bing (餅) is a general name for wheat-flour-based food with a flat or disc-like shape. Many of them...

March 3, 2018

Taiwanese street food: 酥 (su), 糕 (gao), 餅 (bing) (part I)

Cakes in Taiwan belong to three different categories: 酥 (su), 糕 (gao), and 餅 (bing).Su (酥) is a pastry made with shortening and tends to crumble.Gao (糕) starts with batter and is then steamed or baked.Bing (餅) is a general name for wheat-flour-based food with a flat or disc-like shape. Many of them...