December 27, 2023

Harvesting and Transporting Sugar Cane: Century-old Train in Yunlin, Taiwan

Travel Date: 2023/12/24 Despite the chilly weather, we embarked on a journey to document the process of harvesting and loading sugar cane in Baozhong. Our stops were stations 10 and 9 (10番裝車場), where we hoped to witness the iconic sugar cane train in action. The last operational sugar cane train...

December 22, 2023

[Recipe] Ginger Tea with Brown Sugar: A Soothing and Warming Brew

Sip and savor the soothing warmth of the ginger tea with brown sugar. It's a comforting and invigorating beverage, perfect for cold days or as a pick-me-up.Adjust the amount of brown sugar based on your taste preferences.Feel free to experiment with additional ingredients such as lemon slices or a dash...

December 19, 2023

Hsinchu / Miaoli Christmas 2023

The holiday season possesses a magical ability to transform cities and towns into enchanting wonderlands adorned with festive decorations and the warm glow of Christmas lights. Recently, we visited two charming cities in Taiwan - Hsinchu and Miaoli. In comparison to Taichung, Tainan, and, of course,...

December 13, 2023

Miaoli Travel: Exploring Mountains of Nanzhuang - Saisiyat Folklore Museum

We were driving to Nanzhuang to visit Nanzhuang Old Street, and decided to explore further by heading to the Saisiyat Folklore Museum. Upon arrival, we found that not much was happening at that time, with only a few visitors around. Nevertheless, some food options were available. Aboriginal cuisine,...